Quickly set up a new campaign by cloning an existing campaign and making a few changes:
First, clone a campaign: Choose the existing campaign that most closely resembles the campaign you want to create. In the Campaign Settings, Advanced settings tab, at the bottom of the page, click Clone This Campaign. (Requires access to Advanced settings. If you don't see it, you can request access or ask use to clone the campaign for you.)
A copy of the campaign will be created. Now all you have to do is customize it for the new campaign by making a few changes.
Settings to review:
- Admin Campaign Name
- Domain (if the campaign has its own custom domain)
- Page URL path
- If re-using an existing URL path, change the old one first
- To use the root domain, enter "/" as the URL path
- Google Analytics tracking
- Payment processing setup
- Public Campaign Name
- Campaign Goal (if relevant)
- Email Settings for donation notifications (if different)
- General settings sections – especially web page title
- Campaign content fields (all or some of the content might be set in the PageBulider settings)
- Read More
- Thank You page
- Social Sharing
- Acknowledgement Email
- Make any changes needed to form fields
- Change color if needed to match the campaign branding/design
- Primary (banner) image(s)
- Open Graph Image
Donation Levels
- Add the donation options for the campaign (these will not be carried over from the original campaign).
Review the live campaign page and make any other changes required for the needs of the new campaign.