Together with a PDF of your Campaign Report overview, generally three detailed transaction .csv spreadsheet files will also be included:
- Successful Transactions (including pledges)
Suggested actions: Send thank you letters with receipts for paid donations. Send thank you and payment requests for unpaid pledges. - Failed Transactions - credit cards that were declined or otherwise failed.
Suggested actions: Cross-check to see if an actual donation was made. If not, you may want to follow up to offer alternative payment options. - Cancelled & Refunded Transactions - donations that were cancelled, either manually by a user or automatically by our system, due to testing, errors, detection of duplicates, or a PayPal submission that was cancelled by the donor and replaced by a credit card donation.
Suggested actions: Review to see if any of these transactions may have been cancelled by mistake.
Generating Reports
Reports can be generated through your HiRaiser account when logged in, by selecting “Reports” in the main navigation.
Make sure to generate a separate report for each Transaction Status so that you cover successful, failed and cancelled transactions.
There are two sources of analytics data:
- HiRaiser's analytics data, accessible in the HiRaiser campaign settings “Overview” tab.
- Google Analytics, generally linked in your Campaign Report overview (you may need to request access via Google Analytics.)
Matching funds not included?
The matching funds are not included in the report. This is a report of donations and pledges that were either processed through the campaign page or entered through the HiRaiser admin. In the “Source” column you can see the distinction between the two. For display purposes only on the campaign page, the donations are multiplied to account for the matching funds.