HiRaiser - Bloomerang CRM Integration

Type of Integration: Direct

How it Works:
One-way data transfer in real time. Each time a donation or pledge is submitted via HiRaiser, it is recorded in Bloomerang. Subsequent changes in HiRaiser are not reflected in Bloomerang (and vice versa).

Available Settings (for each HiRaiser donate page or campaign):

  • Campaign Name
    Links each submission with a "Campaign" in Bloomerang - make sure the Campaign spelling entered in or provided to HiRaiser matches exactly the Campaign in Bloomerang.
  • Fund Name
    Links each submission with a "Fund" in Bloomerang - make sure the Fund  spelling entered in or provided to HiRaiser matches exactly the Fund in Bloomerang.

What We Need:
Private API Key - you can find it in the "Organization Settings" by selecting "Settings" and then "My Organization" and scrolling to the bottom of the page.
This link might take you right there: https://crm.bloomerang.co/Settings/Database/Edit

IMPORTANT: Do not email sensitive payment gateway credentials – they need to be shared securely as follows: Go to the settings page in your HiRaiser dashboard and paste the API keys into the “Secure Admin Notes” field at the bottom of the page, and then click "Save".

If you have trouble with any part of the process, or if you prefer that we handle it, you can give us access or create a developer user for us on your account, and we’ll take care of it for you.