Use the HiRaiser Reports tool download a spreadsheet (.csv file) containing donation record details.

  1. Select Reports from the main navigation
  2. Select the options to limit which records appear in the Report
  3. Choose which fields you want included
  4. Select if you want to save these options as a saved Report for future use
  5. Click Download

Data Upload Tips

When using Reports to upload the data to a CRM or other system, make sure to:

  • Review the data to ensure the formatting matches what is required by the desitination
  • Pay special attention to the field names (column headings) to make sure they match what is required by the destination (or will be interpreted correctly)
  • Perform a test with only a handful of records so you can review and correct any issues before uploading a large batch
If you have any questions or if any issues arise, please let us know at